
Fun fact: Being an author is a lot of work. Not in a bad way. But I learned early on that if I want to have any success, I’m going to need to put in a heck of a lot of hours.

However, juggling author life along with good health, a clean house, my hubby, and my kiddos, is no picnic.

I’m sure we all have our own particular brand of distractions that can hinder us from being the best mom we can be or the best wife we can be. And those distractions aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Such as my good ol’ writing.

I love it. It’s quickly become apart of me and my daily routine and I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

But that doesn’t mean that I should lose sight of what matters most, either. And today was an awesome reminder of that.

Today I put aside my writing, (and my clean house) in order to be with my kids. It was hard. Really hard. As a mom, I feel pressure to be perfect every single day, and I fail miserably more often than not.

But today we spent thirty minutes reading stories, another thirty minutes mimicking zoo animals, and another thirty minutes wrestling. Afterwards, my two year old grabbed my cheeks with his little, chubby hands and gave me a big smacking kiss on the lips.

My heart melted instantly.

And then, as a nice red cherry on top, we watched a movie and I got to snuggle with all three kids the entire time (even though the pic only shows a couple of them). My two year old even fell asleep on me. *gasp*.

The combination of everything hit me like a punch to the gut.

Their chubby little hands won’t stay little long. Their nightly snuggles won’t last forever. And their extra slobbery kisses will only stick around for a few short years.

I guess my point is this: Stay in the present. Soak up every moment. Enjoy those around you.

And if you have to drop a ball, don’t let it be the ones that matter most.

I wish I could say that I’m perfect. That I don’t ever tell my kids to go turn on a show so I can get some work done. That I don’t ever forget to do their homework because I’m busy folding laundry. That I don’t get frustrated when it’s bedtime and they won’t stay in their freakin’ rooms.

But I can’t. Because I’m human.

I’ve dropped the ball more times than I can count. Yet, I’m still here, juggling away like a circus clown and praying I get the hang of life at one point or another. 🙂

And I hope you do, too!

I feel like I should end this with some sort of disclaimer or something. Something that shows you I’m not going anywhere. And that I’m going to continue my writing with the same zealous behavior as I have for the past six months. And that Rhett is FREAKING AWESOME! And so is Luke! (And Sophie? Remember her? Marcus’ little sister? Yup! You’ll be seeing lots of her soon, too! … don’t even get me started on Mr. Marcus, though! Someone is going to have to whip him into shape, and soon!)

So many amazing stories are in the works right now and I cannot wait to share them with you!

And I want to thank YOU for the support you’ve shown me. For the messages on facebook, and the comments on posts. Each and every one of them mean the world to me!

Thank. You.
